How Fast Do Airsoft Guns Shoot Mph

How Fast Do Airsoft Guns Shoot Mph

If y'all're a seasoned airsoft histrion, yous've likely seen and used guns of all kinds. If you're the run and gun type and then y'all probably have a preference for electrical guns. If you run a pistol then you're probably familiar with gas powered guns. If yous or someone you know prefers sniping, there'southward no mode you haven't handled a spring powered gun at some point.

If y'all wait at any other sport in the world, players are always required to bring specialized gear to maximize their potential. The sport of Airsoft is no different. If you're only getting intoairsoftor if you're simply interested in learning more than, information technology's important to understand the differences between the diverse types of airsoft guns.


Information technology doesn't matter how it's powered, the primary role of an airsoft gun is to fire safety or plastic projectiles known as Bbs. With that being said, the technology behind electrical, gas and spring airsoft guns are quite dissimilar, and they can drastically change the way y'all play the game.

Leap Airsoft Guns

Leap airsoft guns utilize the ability of a spring to propel BBs down the barrel of the gun. Spring guns piece of work on mechanical power, pregnant they accept to be cocked dorsum (in the case of a pistol) or gear up in place with a bolt action (in the instance of a sniper or long range rifle). Jump powered airsoft guns are viewed as both the worst in the game and the best depending on the ability of the spring.

Gas Airsoft Guns

Unlike bound powered airsoft guns that operate on mechanical power, gas powered airsoft guns harness the ability of gas to propel the BB down the barrel. In the world of airsoft, the nigh common gas powered guns are pistols. They typically shoot harder and faster than leap powered guns. Gas guns tend to be semi-automated though sure models tin shoot fully automated.

The nearly common gas used for airsoft guns is propane or "greenish gas." Another type of gas used is CO2, which can be used for both rifles and pistols. On a side note, CO2 guns tend to shoot at a higher FPS than green gas guns. Other less commonly used gas types are HFC134a refrigerant and nitrogen.

Electric Airsoft Guns

Electric guns are the near commonly used guns on airsoft fields effectually the world. Electric airsoft guns typically come up with a battery charger and a rechargeable battery. Almost electrical airsoft guns have selective fire capabilities, in which the gun tin can switch between full auto, semiautomatic, and single fire modes.

Pistol vs. Rifle

Pistol vs. Rifle

In that location are two staples on the airsoft field — pistols and rifles. When it comes to gas guns, you'll often find there are more pistols than there are rifles. Still, when it comes to electric guns, in that location are ordinarily more rifles than in that location are electric airsoft pistols

As you're making a choice of using either a rifle or a pistol (or both), you demand to consider 4 things:

  • Size
  • Power
  • Capacity
  • Cost

Take rifles for case. Rifles tend to be more precise and more powerful. They're as well capable of belongings more rounds at one time. With that being said, they're more cumbersome and heavier than a pistol. It's not as like shooting fish in a barrel to maneuver with a rifle than information technology is with a pistol. Furthermore, they tend to be more expensive.

On the other hand, pistols are small and easy to move with. They're excellent for engaging targets in CQB environments. Though pistols hold fewer rounds than a burglarize, this can be rectified with a high chapters magazine that allows you lot to stay in the fight for longer. Yet, depending on the skill of the histrion, matching a pistol vs. a burglarize will put the pistol user at a disadvantage.

Not only does the rifle accept better reach, but it holds much more than ammunition. Plus, rifles shoot at a higher rate of fire. Fifty-fifty fully automatic pistols are outmatched because of how quickly they run out of ammo.

Every bit you make your choice of electrical, gas, or leap powered airsoft guns, agreement the advantages and disadvantages of pistols vs. rifles volition likely bear on your decision.


Your option of airsoft gun ultimately comes down to one question: what do you lot plan on using the gun for? Are y'all just fooling effectually in your lawn? Do you intend to play at airsoft fields? Do yous prefer battery power?

If you lot tin can respond that ane question in your mind (along with the secondary subsequent questions that volition inevitably follow), you'll be on the right track of choosing the right gun for your playing style.

Pros and Cons of Spring-Powered Airsoft Guns

Airsoft players oft have mixed feelings for spring powered guns. On the one mitt, they're the to the lowest degree constructive guns on the airsoft field, especially when compared to gas and electric guns. These would be the Wal-Mart brand guns that you would probably buy for your kids. On the opposite stop of the spectrum, spring powered guns tin can exist the most powerful guns on the field. Leap-powered sniper rifles tin easily shoot at 500 FPS or higher. In other words, your opponent will definitely know they've been hit.

The primary disadvantage of spring-powered airsoft guns is they must be manually artsy every time the trigger is pulled. This isn't much of an effect for sniper rifles who sit ata distance, hidden abroad. However, this tin can be a significant disadvantage in a CQB situation.

If you're facing down three opponents who are using gas and electric guns, that would hateful you would accept to cock your weapon a minimum of three times to take out all three opponents, implying your aim is dead on. That'south all while not getting shot past guns that don't have the same limitations every bit your leap powered gun.

Bluntly, such a scenario is unrealistic. Your chances of winning such an appointment are slim, plus it's pretty frustrating having to cock your weapon afterward every shot. Furthermore, leap-powered airsoft guns tend to shoot at relatively low speeds. Bound powered pistols tend to sit in the 170-350 FPS range while rifles can reach around 300-500 FPS. Low firing speeds equal less accuracy. Take into business relationship environmental factors such as air current, and yous'll observe that you lot are truly at a significant disadvantage.

Notwithstanding, you tin't discount the fact that spring-powered guns can shoot endlessly. As long as the leap holds out, you can go along firing away for as long as you please. This is unlike gas and electric guns who rely upon a battery or gas supply to continue firing.

Pros and Cons of Gas-Powered Airsoft Guns

Gas-powered airsoft guns are the adjacent step upwardly. They tend to fire harder, faster, and more accurately due to their semi-automatic firing mode. Dark-green gas, CO2, and other bottom known gas pistols can attain speeds of around 400 FPS while firing. Gas rifles can reach upwardly to 400 – 500 FPS. Considering of the ability behind each gas propelled shot, these guns tend to be very authentic.

When it comes to disadvantages, gas guns are a poor choice in cold environments. CO2 is especially prone to malfunctions if exposed to the common cold for as well long. Plus, one time you've expended your gas supply, it's game over.

Pros and Cons of Electric-Powered Airsoft Guns

Electrical guns are the most popular airsoft guns for a reason. Electric guns tin can reach upwards to 500 FPS and beyond and tend to look very tactical. Furthermore, rechargeable batteries allow you to relieve coin. This is in comparison to gas guns that require a constant menses of gas yous accept to purchase to proceed powering your gun.

But even electric airsoft guns accept their disadvantages. Due to the electric nature of the gun, the performance tends to lag when the gun gets damp. Furthermore, if your bombardment dies in the center of a firefight, yous're done (unless you lot're packing a backup pistol).


You'll discover that amongst electric, gas, and spring airsoft guns, the toll range will vary wildly. Take leap powered guns for case. You can observe a spring gun for equally cheap as $45 at Wal Mart. Yet, at that place are leap powered sniper rifles that go for more than $1,000.

The general rule of pollex is that the more money you spend, the better your gun, at least in most cases. The airsoft guns that sit in the $250 and beyond range tend to be more precise, shoot faster and are generally more than durable.

Equally y'all consider the toll of your gun, y'all take to factor in ii things: the initial cost and recurring expenses.

The initial toll of the airsoft gun

If yous're looking for the cheapest gun out there, spring-powered guns will be your best friend. If you're new to the game and you're only testing the waters to see if you'll fifty-fifty enjoy the sport consider starting with a bound gun. That mode you won't spend as well much coin if  you make up one's mind airsoft isn't for y'all. If you're a pro player, higher-end sniper rifles will toll yous a pretty penny, merely you volition indeed be a truthful terror on the field of battle.

Gas guns tend to be more expensive than spring powered guns. Typically entry-level gas pistols are more than costly than spring-powered pistols, and gas rifles are more expensive than spring-powered rifles. Budget effectually $180 – $240 to take access to decent mid tier guns.

Electrical airsoft guns tend to sell effectually the same price every bit gas powered airsoft guns. The cost is all over the spectrum. You can find a decent entry level electric burglarize for $150 if yous look in the right places. Many of the middle of the road guns sit in the $180-$240 range.

Recurring expenses

Every bit you lot've likely deduced by this point, spring-powered guns are the least expensive to operate. You just need to purchase rounds, and you lot're good to become.

Gas guns are a practiced deal more expensive in terms of recurring expenses. Gas guns crave cartridges or canisters of gas for continued performance.  In the beginning, you likely won't notice the expense as too much of a burden in the offset. However, the cost of gas will begin to pile upwards. Give it a few months, and y'all'll find that you lot've spent a significant amount of coin on CO2 canisters and other forms of gas.

When information technology comes to electric guns, you'll have to purchase a battery and a charger. Therefore, they're much cheaper than gas guns but more expensive than spring guns. In terms of a recurring expense, you may accept to purchase another bombardment in the hereafter if your current battery dies on you permanently. On a side note, you're highly brash to purchase multiple batteries. That style if ane battery goes out on you, y'all tin easily swap it out for another.


As yous're choosing between spring, gas and electrical powered guns consider everything you've read in this guide. Call up of your skill level every bit a player and how you intend to use the gun. Spring, gas and electric guns all come up with pros and cons, and each gun blazon can be used effectively past the right player.

Ultimately, if you're unsure of which gun to cull, try them all out. Airsoft is about having fun, and so experiment and see which i suits your playing style the all-time. You might be surprised by your pick.

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How Fast Do Airsoft Guns Shoot Mph

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